Straight From the Stars - Understanding Love Horoscopes

By Emma-Louise Smith

Love is many times a mysterious force. It's hard to comprehend, even harder to engender. There's no scientific way to prove or disprove love, or the power of love, and many people turn to astrology for answers to all their questions about this awesome force. It's a firmly held belief that certain star signs can indicate if two people are made for each other, complement each other perfectly and that people with certain other star signs should not consider being more than friends or acquaintances.

The most common form of this kind of indication is the horoscope. Normally horoscopes cover a general day-to-day plan of your life but love horoscopes focus mainly on what kind of star sign is best suited to you and what characteristics you should look for in a potential partner. The horoscope is normally based on calculations made from the positions the sun, moon and planets were in on the date of your birth (not necessarily including the year). There is a belief that the aforementioned positions have a strong bearing on you as a person, your individuality, character, personality and your future.

It is accepted that there are certain traits that all people from a certain star sign will share. This makes for some pretty interesting reading, especially if you know the star signs of friends and family. Here is where the love horoscope will shed some major star-light on your romantic situation. It's widely held that you gain a sense of understanding about yourself and your compatibility with your partner as well as gaining deeper insight into some of your behavioral patterns.

A zodiac chart is key to understanding your astrological compatibility with other people, but the basic gist is as follows. There are four elements, earth, fire, air and water under which all twelve star signs are classified. Under fire there is Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The fire sign is supposed to represent strong will, leadership qualities, enthusiasm and a stubborn nature. The earth element, stable, material and practical, includes Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn.

The air element includes Gemini, Libra and Aquarius and these signs are generally lazy, good at abstract thought and possess great aesthetic sense. The last three, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces all belong to the water sign and represent emotions, empathy and sensuality.

Based on certain characteristics you will be slotted in with certain other star signs that are most compatible for you. Taurus and Cancer, for instance, make a great coupling as the practical nature of the Taurean keeps the emotional Cancer grounded while the Cancerian provides much-needed compassion and romance.

Though whimsical, a really fun link to check out would be: that provides coupling compatibility answers for all the star signs. Even if it doesn't match your scenario it's fun to read! Go ahead and ask the stars who to aim for.

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