Famous Leos
Don Imus
Monica Lewinsky
Amelia Earhart
Jennifer Lopez
Walter Payton
Mick Jagger
Sandra Bullock
Alex Rodriguez
Peter Jennings
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Hilary Swank
J.K Rowling
Francis Scott Key
Martin Sheen
Tom Brady
James Hetfield
Billy Bob Thorton
Jeff Gordon
Neil Armstrong
Charlize Theron
Dustin Hoffman
Whitney Houston
Deion Sanders
Herbert Hoover
Jerry Falwell
Hulk Hogan
Cecil B DeMille
Annie Oakley
Alfred Hitchcock
Steve Martin
Halle Berry
Napoleon Bonaparte
Ben Affleck
Fess Parker
This information was based on a list showing the birthdays of these individuals and then taking their sign from that, it doesn't take into account the year that they were born and the birthday list may be inaccurate.